Day #2656 (Wed., Apr. 12, 2017) – James Defends Katie

2017-04-12 - LucyKatie didn’t want to go to school today as her stomach hurt but my wife and I figured she could “make it through”. The poor little thing was crying in the car and I was trying to make her feel better by saying that my stomach hurts in the morning as well and it usually gets better as the day progresses. I asked Katie if everything was okay at school and this is where the subject of Eleri came up.

Lucy was out walking Zach this evening and stopped by to say hi. Her family is thinking of putting her in a home this fall so this might be one of the last times she stops by for a visit (see photo to the right).

I learned that James (i.e.: Linda’s boy) defended Katie when Eleri started to tease her today. Good for James. That’s the stuff that true Super Hero’s are made of.

I picked up some waffles for Katie at Trader Joe’s tonight.