Day #2660 (Sun., Apr. 16, 2017) – 2nd Easter Egg Hunt

Katie wanted to have another Easter Egg Hunt today since today is, ta da, Easter. My wife tried to have one this morning but Katie was upset that there was no map and that the goodies were exactly the same as the Dollar Store. My wife replied that perhaps the Easter Bunny shops at the Dollar Store as well.

2017-04-16 - Easter Bunny 2At any rate, although I was still sick, I mustered up the energy to go to the Dollar Store again. I picked up five extra special treats (see photo to the right). In order to try and “fool” Katie that the Easter Bunny didn’t forget her, I drew up a map and put it in the mailbox. This afternoon I asked her to go and get the mail for me while I made dinner. Was she ever surprised to find the map, and she was off on her 2nd Easter Egg Hunt of the day.

This evening my wife gave Bobby the toy UPS truck that came yesterday. This is his new “favorite toy” and insisted on taking it to bed with him.

The casserole that I made this evening was not as good as the one I made on Friday. The difference I think was that on Friday I blended up the eggplant to make a “mush”. Upon baking, this made a creamy texture that the vegetables seemed to bask in. Note to self for the next round.