Day #2682 (Mon., May 8, 2017) – Picking Up A Herb Garden

Bobby greeted me when I woke up this morning with the new fire truck his mother gave him last night. He wanted to take it to bed with him and woke up with it as a result. As I took a shower Bobby lied outside the door and waited for me.

On the way to Glenwood this morning I reminded Katie that she will be able to tell Victor and Herron that she saw “Boss Baby” yesterday. She mentioned that she was going to tell them that we had the whole theater to ourselves.

I told Katie that when she gets home from school she needs to create a birthday card for her mom and we will give it to her tomorrow.

I had lunch with my wife at the Korean Buffet on 15-501 at noon today. She’s busy tomorrow, her birthday, so this was the next best option.

2017-05-08 - ScrewsBobby seems to like to play with anything that daddy plays with. His latest “daddy toy” is a box of screws (see photo to the right).

This evening I gave Katie the box of chocolates that we are going to give my wife for her birthday tomorrow. I put it in her chest of drawers and told her to give it to her mom when she woke up tomorrow. Well, Katie said that she had the perfect hiding place and took it out of the chest of drawers and hid it under her books on her nightstand. She then decided that was not good enough and put it on the floor next to her closet with a pillow on top if it. By that point, I took it back and said that I would give it to her to give to mom tomorrow.

This evening I drove over to Trader Joe’s to get a herb garden that I saw yesterday. I put it in the back seat of my car and will tell Katie tomorrow morning to go get it and give it to her mother for her birthday.