Day #2692 (Thu., May 18, 2017) – Oven Mitt “Snake” Puppet

There was a delayed opening at Glenwood this morning. I had a meeting so I could not take her. My wife took her instead.

2017-05-18 - Snake PuppetAnother dance class for Katie this afternoon. It won’t be long before we’re going to her performance at East Chapel Hill High School. She did ask me this morning if I could be buying flowers for her…which I do every year.

When I got home from work Katie came running up to the front door to greet me before I could get out of the car. Of course, this meant that Bobby was following her and as soon as he saw me he wanted a drive in the car. I asked Katie to delay her enthusiasm for a few minutes til I get into the house in the future.

I made a snake puppet (see photo to the right) out of the oven mitt Bobby was playing with me this evening. He would say “More snake please”. He is so polite.

Bobby and I drew on a cardboard box this evening. Hulk, fire truck, dog, house, etc.