Day #2697 (Tue., May 23, 2017) – Wooden Rocket Ship

I went to bed last night and didn’t notice the marker points on my forehead that Bobby made last night. It took a while to scrub them off.

2017-05-23 - Rocket ShipI went to Barnes & Nobles at noontime today to check out the book “The Plant Paradox”. While I was there I noticed that they had a number of toys for only $2. I picked up the wooden rocket kit shown in the photo to the right for Bobby. Quite the deal considering it was originally priced at $50. Well made, but not a lot of action for kids these days…

I also picked up a horse kit for Katie but she was fussy and whiny today so my wife and I decided not to give it to her. We are going to break her of this habit one way or another. She has to learn to be thankful for what she has and be a girl that others want to be around. She’s great for the most part…but it seems her friends are having a negative influence on her.

Katie has a play date with Helen this afternoon.

Bobby insists on getting himself down from the high chair these days. It’s also extremely difficult to put him in the chair to feed him. He will wiggle and squirm and get out before you have time to snap the table in place.