Day #2698 (Wed., May 24, 2017) – Hide & Seek With Bobby
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I told Katie that I would check with her mother when I get home from work this evening. If she has been a good girl with no whining or complaining I will give her the present that I was planning on giving her last night. Well, she was a good girl when I got home so I gave her the present that you see in the photo to the right.
I also picked this up at Barnes & Nobles for $2. They certainly have some great deals going from time-to-time. The idea is that you can write on this horse and “personalize” it to your wishes. The actual horse is made so well that Katie decided to leave it just as it is…of course after wrestling it back from Bobby’s control.
This evening Bobby wanted to play hide-and-seek. I would put the blanket over my head and he would sit on the LazyBoy and cover his eyes and count. He would then say something like “ready or not here I come” and get off the chair and tip-toe over to me and pull the blanket off me.
We got invited over to Sophie’s house for a BBQ on Saturday. We’ll see how that goes.