Day #2699 (Thu., May 25, 2017) – Canned Goat’s Milk

Katie had her dance class today. There is some debate on what type of dance Katie will be doing next year. My wife thinks that she has to be in ballet class as this is the type of dance that she is always practicing around the house. I guess that Mattie’s mom told my wife that Mattie was fine with whatever type of dance we wanted to go to. The big deal with Mattie is being able to spend time with her friends. Mattie is a rather shy girl and she enjoys Katie’s company. This is a different Mattie than the Mattie whose house we will be going to a BBQ on this Sunday.

2017-05-25 - Canned Goat's MilkWe were running low on goat’s milk this evening and I was too late to get to WholeFoods or Trader Joe’s before closing. I ended up going to Lowe’s and Harris-Teeter. They were both out of the regular kind we get, but I did manage to get a canned version at Harris-Teeter (see photo to the left). My wife said it is pasteurized so she doesn’t want to use it. She will return it to Harris-Teeter tomorrow.

While at Harris-Teeter I picked up some water balloons. These ones are special because you just fit the end of your hose on the attachment and turn it on. The water balloons will fill up and drop off when they are full. Looks like the kids will have lots of fun with water balloons this weekend.

Bobby is such an affectionate and polite child. He loves to give and receive hugs. He loves to say “Thank-You Daddy”.