Day #2721 (Fri., Jun. 16, 2017) – Power Goes Out

2017-06-16 - Forks & SpoonsBobby is getting into the forks and spoons and throwing them onto the carpet these days (see photo to the left).

My wife and I were wondering what to get Dalia and Mark in terms of a present. My wife came up with the idea to get Timmy some Legos. That will work out nicely.

I came home from work early today to pack and get ready for our trip to Charlotte tomorrow.

I was making 5 lbs of bacon for the road trip this evening when the power went out. We ended up feeding Bobby by lantern light. Since we didn’t have tv due to the power outage we ended up watching my hard drive movies of Bobby’s birth and the kids dancing to “I’m Still Standing”. Katie had lots of questions surrounding Bobby’s birth.

Fortunately, the lights came on one hour after it went out. Bobby was tired by this point and went to bed.