Day #2731 (Mon., Jun. 26, 2017) – First Day Of “Swamp Camp”

2017-06-26 - Blowing Up BalloonsToday is the first day of “Swamp Camp”. As I am working from home these days my wife took Katie. Katie said that it was one of the best days ever. They went down to the camp swamp and saw some crayfish and played a lot of games. Apparently, the kids return year after year, which is a good sign that they enjoy it.

Bobby bit me this evening. When I asked him why he said that it was because he was a zombie. What funny little child. We spent part of the evening putting on superhero capes and pretending to be Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman, etc.

On the way back from the gym later this evening I stopped off at the Dollar Store and got some balloons (see Bobby blowing one up in the photo to the left). I also picked up a pink binder for Katie to put her chore sheets in.