Day #2745 (Mon., Jul. 10, 2017) – Acting Camp

Katie has expressed a desire to learn acting so we signed her up for “Acting Camp”. Today is her first day. It is actually a 1/2 day acting camp with the other 1/2 day art class. My wife drove her to camp this morning as I am working from home.

MLK Blvd., right outside our house, now has a crosswalk that we can use. It is a busy little street and the traffic has been increasing so it was a necessary component to ensure that nobody gets injured crossing the street. One problem is that I can no longer drive as long in the middle lane before I change into traffic, but oh well, we have to make some adjustments in the name of progress.

Bobby didn’t get enough sleep last night so Cameron played with him in the house for a while and after feeding him, put him back to bed.

2017-07-10 - Bunnies HopThere was a cute little show on YouTube this evening that Bobby liked. It showed bunnies sleeping and then waking up with the song “Hop little bunny hop hop hop” (see photo to the left).

My wife and I are planning to take the kids to to the beach on . Mary, who my wife used to work with, has a beach house that she rents out to family and friends. It is a block from the beach and we will be able to go to the North Carolina Aquarium every day if we want.

I “duct taped” the box that Bobby effectively destroyed last night so we are back in business in regards to the hiding and seeking in the box. This is Bobby’s favorite game as of late.