Day #2748 (Thu., Jul. 13, 2017) – Bobby Opens The Fridge

Katie was very excited when I dropped her off at acting class this morning. Today she gets her lines. As I dropped her off I said “Break a leg”. She said that she didn’t want to break her leg. I told her that this is what all actors are told to do.

Last night my wife sent Esmerelda an email asking for her last name and some job references. We have not heard from her since then. Hmmm… Makes you wonder…

2017-07-13 - Beach TowelsBobby got into a bag of hazelnuts that were lying on the couch. The first thing was to pour them out on the floor. The next step in the process was to put some of them down his little racetrack. At least he had a plan.

Bobby is now able to open the fridge door and get into the goodies on the shelves. Just one more thing we are going to have to “Bobby-Proof” somehow.

My wife got some beach towels from Amazon today (see photo to the left). We are gradually getting ready for our first beach outing.

Bobby went to sleep at 10:30pm this evening so we are hoping that he will be getting back to a normal sleep schedule.