Day #2763 (Fri., Jul. 28, 2017) – Off To Carolina Beach
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The photo to the left shows the “Goal Map” that I created for Katie so that she doesn’t get discouraged with all the various jobs and tasks that she is required to do before we give her “Chip The Robot Dog”.
Katie slept from 7pm last night to 8am this morning so she is well rested.
This morning we started our long drive to Carolina Beach. Not so much because it was long, but because Bobby was fussy, which makes it long. Unfortunately, we forgot his high chair again, so that’s another difficulty we are going to have to deal with.
We went to Kure Beach this evening. There is a nice parking lot just off the beach so I can drive the family, park the van, and not have too far to walk.
I stopped off at the Carolina Beach Food Lion this evening for salad stuff and a lasagna (in remembrance of our trip to Ocracoke when my wife was pregnant).