Day #2768 (Wed., Aug. 2, 2017) – Interviewing Jessica
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It’s nice to be back home again. Back to our own beds and away from all that sand and grit. All in all thought it was a great vacation. The kids really enjoyed it and it was a nice “experiment” to see how easily it would be to travel with two kids in the future.
At 6 pm this evening we interviewed Jessica, who was applying for the nanny job for Bobby. She was supposed to arrive at 5:30 pm but was late. She had a massage license in Chicago but did not bother to renew it when she came down to North Carolina. She has applied for another position as a teacher assistant and is waiting for them to complete the background checks on her.
This evening Bobby painted his legs with stripes (see photo to the left) and proudly exclaimed that he was a tiger.
Katie is very excited about the process of getting “Chip The Robot Dog”. This evening my wife and I came up with a final list of chores and a scheme on how to weight them. I will print out the sheets tomorrow and discuss this with Katie tomorrow night. She will probably start the “chores list” on Friday. We’re anticipating that it will be 60 days for chores before we will buy “Chip” for her.