Day #202 (Sat., July 24, 2010) – Road Trip

6:35am – Little Katie is up. I just changed her and took her to her mother for feeding. We will soon be on our way to visit our friends in Charlotte…

2010-07-24 - Green Pickle
2010-07-24 - Green Pickle

8:00am and we are on the road to Charlotte. It was a pretty good ride for the most part and little Katie behaved all the way. I did have to stop and get my customary cup of McDonald’s coffee along the way.

11:00am and we arrived at our friend’s house in Charlotte. Little Katie was mesmerized by all the new sounds and surroundings, but soon adjusted. She started to cry at one point, but that didn’t last long.

Little Katie didn’t seem to be too interested in the dog, but our friends have a little boy that she seemed fascinated with. All that bundle of energy and someone finally who was at “eye-level” with her…

One of the great things for young kids is to visit other kids and play with their toys. The photo on the right shows a green plush pickle that seemed to hold her attention. I think it might be the big white eyes that fascinated her the most.

7:30pm and we can’t get little Katie to sleep. I guess she got overtired with all the excitement of the day.

8:00pm – Rather than go through the ritual of carrying her around the house and trying this and trying that we decided to try our “tried and true formula”…a drive in the car. After a short spin around the block she was “out like a light”, and we could go to sleep as well.

1) Little Katie experienced all sorts of new sights and sounds today.