Day #2782 (Fri., Aug. 18, 2017) – Popsicles & Sprinklers Day
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I dropped Katie off at Spence’s Farm this morning. Today is popsicles and sprinklers day. She told us that of all the camps she has attended she likes the “Fox Walk” camp the best because there are more games.
The new Bosnian family plans to go to beach this weekend. There was a bit of a mix up as the car they will be using is too small. They are currently looking into borrowing a van from a relative. If they don’t go to the beach my wife will probably take Katie and Bobby over to play with the girls.
We just learned that our new nanny’s birthday is on Monday.
I went to Trader Joe’s this evening for supplies. The UNC students are back so they are anticipating quite a crowd this weekend. My wife wanted me to pick up some baby oatmeal at Whole Foods but I did not get the message til I got home.
Bobby found a squirt gun today. He’s a typical boy, wheels in one hand and a gun in the other (see photo to the right). With Katie it would be animals.