Day #2783 (Sat., Aug. 19, 2017) – Playdate With Wyatt
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Wyatt came over this afternoon for a play date with Katie. Unfortunately, the kids were talking outside of Bobby’s bedroom so we had a hard time putting him to bed for his nap. He wanted to play as well.
Katie and Wyatt had a bit of a concert out on the patio. Two guitars (see photo to the right), a horn, and even a toy piano. I had to go out and get these instruments when it was all said and done as they forgot to bring them back into the house and I didn’t want them to get ruined by rain.
I made Wyatt and Katie hot dogs and macaroni for lunch. The hot dogs were a hit but they barely touched the macaroni.
Katie went back with Wyatt this afternoon to continue their play date over at his house.
With Bobby having such a late nap it was hard to put him to bed this evening. He insisted on wearing Katie’s bicycle this evening, even when he was eating in the high chair. He even managed to buckle it himself.