Day #2786 (Tue., Aug. 22, 2017) – YMCA Soccer
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It is Nura’s birthday today. She turns eight. Katie spent all day at their house.
My wife and I had a long discussion this evening with Katie. She doesn’t want to dance this year. She wants to play soccer. I never thought that we would be hearing from her that she wants to play soccer given how much she hated it the last time we signed her up. At any rate, my wife found a good YMCA soccer camp so we are going to give it another go. As my wife said, this time, no matter how much she might not want to go, she has to go as she said that she wanted to make a go of it.
I fixed Bobby’s transport truck this evening. The latch is so secure that it is hard to actually open it and put the cars inside. I put a couple of pieces of tape on the latch so it is easy to open and close it now (see photo to the left).
Bobby saw me eating a boiled egg this evening and wanted one as well. In fact, he ate three of them. He also had a couple of slices of bacon as well. Like my wife said, it’s time that we weaned him off baby food and onto adult food. We’re not sure why we haven’t done this as of yet. I think the convenience of it and the fact that he eats it are two big factors.