Day #2787 (Wed., Aug. 23, 2017) – Daniel Boone Statue
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I drove to Hillsborough this morning. On the way back I took a photo of the Daniel Boone statue (see photo to the left). There is a lot of talk about tearing down statues these days. Will this be next?
I stopped off at Trader Joe’s for supplies and made sure to get extra eggs for Bobby since he likes them so much.
My wife took the kids over to see the Bosnians this evening. The two girls hardly knew any English when they arrived but it is coming along quite nicely I’m told. The girls played some sort of a “caterpillar game” according to Katie.
It’s time to get the school supplies ready for the teachers. My wife packaged up a big box of them this evening. It’s tough to see how undervalued education is in North Carolina.
We learned that Ella will be in Katie’s class this year. Sophie, who danced with Katie this last year, and Helen will be in the other class.
Bobby has been running around with Katie’s bicycle helmet on his head and a plastic pretend drill in his hand as of late.