Day #2789 (Fri., Aug. 25, 2017) – Bobby Meets His Classmates

2017-08-25 - Old School DeskThe photo to the right shows an old desk like I had when I was a kid. They have one in the office of my new doctor for some reason. I bet Katie has never seen such a thing before? I remember that mine was left-handed, which means the arm was on the other side of the one shown. Every Monday, after the janitor had cleaned the floor and moved all the desks to the back of the room, I had to locate my specific left-hand version and push it to my proper seating arrangement in the aisle.

I sent an email to Mr. Rathbun this morning. We are trying to find out who made the decision to put Eleri in Katie’s class and what the reasoning was behind it. Maybe this is for the best? Will it teach Katie how to deal with bullies so that she will have a “tougher skin” when she gets older?

My wife took Bobby to a play date to meet his new classmates. I guess that one boy would not Bobby have his truck and that made him cry.

I haven’t been doing any of the “Robot Dog” tasks as of late as I’m waiting for Katie to mention it. It seems that I am the one who is driving this forward and she should be if she really wants this dog so much.