Day #2794 (Wed., Aug. 30, 2017) – Bobby Throws Up

We are exploring the possiblity of Omar’s mom taking care of both Bobby and her son. They are of the same age. The only real negatives are the fact that she doesn’t have a car so we will need to drop him off and pick him up. Syncing nap times are another issue.

2017-08-30 - Police CarKatie didn’t feel like going to piano class today but decided to go as Ella would be disappointed. Ella is one of Katie’s classmates this year in 2nd grade. They will be taking piano classes together.

Bobby has been mentioning this evening that he lost his police car transformer (see photo to the right) when he was playing outside today. I’m sure he is right, it’s not around, but it sure is a vast area outside of the house in which he could have lost it. He has been sleeping with it as of late he likes it so much.

Bobby was sick this evening. I put him in the chair and fed him a bit and he threw up. This was not a usual “got stuck in his throat” throwing up episode mind you…this was something else. He’s coming down with something no doubt.