Day #2797 (Sat., Sep. 2, 2017) – Fruit Loops = Donuts
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It’s a rather rainy day here in Chapel Hill. Kind of dreary as a matter of fact. My wife took Katie to see the Bosnian family this morning. We are thinking that the mom might like to take care of Bobby along with her son Omar. Her schedule is not confirmed as of yet so perhaps we will learn more this upcoming week.
Katie made a lovely drawing of a computer today (see photo to the right).
I tended to Bobby while they were away. He is still not interested in eating, although he is drinking a lot. I guess he instinctively knows that he should drink plenty of liquids when he is sick.
My wife wanted some flour and supplies to make Play Doh so they stopped off at Food Lion. Katie came into the house with a big box of Fruit Loops. Bobby seemed to get his appetite back when he saw what Katie was eating. He said that he wanted some of Katie’s donuts. He associates things by shape and since Fruit Loops look like donuts, donuts is what he calls them.