Day #2801 (Wed., Sep. 6, 2017) – Bobby’s First Day At Preschool
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I took another personal day off work today. We still don’t have a nanny and my wife needs some help today to tend to Bobby and get some work done.
My wife took Bobby to his first day of preschool today. As soon as he saw the trains he was off. My wife told me that all the other kids were a bit shy and with their mothers, but Bobby was completely fine being by himself. He did look up from time-to-time to make sure that she was still around. Bobby was also the only kid to cry today. This happened when they went to the playground. You have to leave all the toys indoors and you know what a “death grip” Bobby puts on a toy when he gets ahold of it. All in all, a pretty successful day as a “preschooler”.
As soon as Katie came home from school this evening she ran into the house to see Bobby. She wanted to know how his first day of school went. She is such a loving and caring big sister. Bobby is so lucky to have her.
I IM’d my boss that we need to discuss my knee tomorrow. I wonder what he will say when he learns that I might need 6 weeks off work to recover from the operation.
I had to go to Whole Foods to get some goat’s milk this evening. While there I saw some “Wild Kratts Organic Creature Crackers”. I just had to get them for Katie. My wife told me that the kids get to pick out books for their library and Katie picked out some “Wild Kratt’s books”.