Day #2806 (Mon., Sep. 11, 2017) – Piano Every Other Week?

2017-09-11 - Baby FoodMy wife ordered plenty of baby food, as you can see in the photo to the left.

This is the start of Bobby’s first full week at preschool. My wife told me that as soon as she dropped him off he went into the Frog classroom as it was the first classroom door. There were toys there so he didn’t want to leave. She eventually coaxed him into the Turtle classroom, where he found the table with the trains, and would not leave. Nobody else came to play with the trains. He was content to just be there and play with them himself.

My wife stayed behind for 10 minutes until Mary came and told my wife that she could leave. Unlike the other kids, Bobby obviously didn’t need to have my wife around. When my wife went back to the school to pick him up he was one of the last to leave. There was a lot of other kids crying and looking for their mothers. Not Bobby. Just another day at the office for him.

Lizzie has a hard time putting Bobby to bed for his nap today. He was acting up and crying. The reason was not that he wanted to stay up. The reason was that he was so tired he just wanted to go to bed and forego the changing of his diaper.

Katie told me that they didn’t have recess today because they were so loud at lunchtime. She also told me that they learned about directions in the PM at school.

My wife is thinking of having piano lessons every other week. There is so much going on there is just not enough time to do the homework required to have piano classes every week. Katie’s math homework takes precedence and it is much more difficult and voluminous this year.