Day #2808 (Wed., Sep. 13, 2017) – Max The Cat Game

I drove to Walmart this afternoon to pick up another car seat for Bobby. We will give this one to Lizzie to put in her car. It is just more convenient this way than juggling car seats in and out of cars.

2017-09-13 - Max GameI went to Trader Joe’s for supplies on the way home. I got Lizzie a large chocolate bar as she told me that she has a sweet tooth. We want to keep her on for a long time and this is just one way that we can make her job more enjoyable.

My new mattress came today. It is much firmer than the old one. I will need a good mattress to rest on since I will be in bed so much recovering from Knee surgery.

I gave Katie the cat game (see photo to the left) that we picked up at the consignment store yesterday. I had to work in the PM so she played with Lizzie. She told me that she liked it. You basically help animals get home before the cat can eat them.

This evening I gave Bobby the astronaut capsule that we picked up at the consignment store yesterday. It has a cord on it that when you pull and release will vibrate the capsule. He didn’t play with it as much as I thought he would.