Day #2828 (Tue., Oct. 3, 2017) – Lizzie’s Grandmother Dies
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My wife took the bandages off my knee today. You can see the staples in the photo the right.
Katie usually gets a bag of potato chips for lunch each day. As they only have 30 minutes to eat, she doesn’t have time to finish them. As a result, she brings them home. This evening Bobby managed to take the bag of potato chips from her and hide it behind the couch. When she brought out another bag of potato chips to eat you could see the wry smile on his face as he tried to take that one away from her as well. They both are like their father in that they have a love for salty foods like potato chips, but we need to teach Bobby to share and not be such of a “me, me, me” person.
Lizzie’s grandmother in England has died so she will be off work for the next couple of weeks from time-to-time. She will need to travel to Washington to get a passport, and then travel to England for the funeral.
My wife went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this afternoon. The only two things I really wanted were ghost chips and chocolate almond horns. I will be back on diet mode before you know it, but while I am still in pain I cannot even think of dieting right now.
My wife told me that Katie failed math this semester. How is that? Both my wife and I are really good in math, so how in the world can Katie fail it? This is something that we will need to bring up with the psychologist. I personally think that she can do it, but she has no incentive to do it. She’s almost eight years old, and if we give her enough incentive she will learn how to do math quite quickly. That’s what I think…we will see…