Day #2831 (Fri., Oct. 6, 2017) – Bobby Visits The Dentist
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My wife took Bobby to the dentist this morning for a checkup and cleaning. He charmed the whole staff, as usual. He let them clean his teeth no problem. When they were done he got up and marched over to get his toy. His attitude was “You promised me a toy if I was good, well, I’m not waiting for you, I’m going to go and get what was promised me”. He picked out a “blue stretchy thing”.
While my wife was talking to the dentist about Katie, Bobby played with the various toys. My wife told me that he was a policeman protecting the fairy house. There was a fire engine on one of the boxes and Bobby was very upset that my wife could not make it (the pieces were not available to do so).
The physical therapist showed up this morning and my wife got back from the dentist appointment before she left, so she got to have some of her questions answered. My range of motion is much better than it was on Wednesday.
We ordered a scale from Amazon that came today (see photo to the left). We are hoping that this will help her do her math homework.Math scale.
Bobby is a very aggressive boy and will often come up and hit Katie. He just wants her attention, but sometimes it can be a bit too much. I told her that one way to get him to stop is to tickle him. He’s quite ticklish and this usually makes him to run away.