Day #2835 (Tue., Oct. 10, 2017) – Bobby Figures Out The Gate
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The photo to the right shows the kids dressed up in their Halloween PJ’s with a festive background.
I seem to have gotten a sinus infection. On top of all these knee issues, this is just one more thing to have to deal with.
My wife took Bobby over to see Arnesa and Ayra this morning. Arnesa was remarking how big and heavy Bobby has gotten. Arnesa’s mother got out of the emergency room and is fine now.
I went for another walk outside this afternoon. This time I managed to make it to Jui-Lan’s mailbox and then back to the house.
I got a chance to talk to Elaina this afternoon. She dropped Katie off at home and stayed around to play with her a bit. She is in the same sorority as Caitlin and Sarah and we talked a bit about that. We also talked about SupDogs and the various restaurants on Franklin Street. I learned that she has lived near Ashville since she was five years old, and her father is a real-estate broker.
This evening my wife told me that Bobby has figured out how to open the gate to the basement. Rather than just go down though, he did have the presence of mind to go and tell my wife that it was open. My wife told me that once they went down to basement Bobby was totally unafraid of the dark. He walked to the end of the basement, in total darkness, and brought a toy back to play with.
Apparently this evening Katie did her math homework all by herself. This is what I have been saying all along. If you remove the crutches for her she will be forced to walk.