Day #2842 (Tue., Oct. 17, 2017) – Planning Katie’s Birthday

2017-10-17 - Dried CucumberOur neighbor, Jui-Lan, is growing a number of large squash type vegetables in her garden. We wondered what they were used for. The photo to the right shows the end result. Apparently you let them grow big, dry them out, and then use them for sponges.

I had a physiotherapy session today. In terms of walking I was able to walk to Jui-Lan’s house and back three times today.

We are already starting to think about Katie’s birthday. Since I will possibly be having another knee operation it might be too much to invite her entire class over as we have done in years past. We’re thinking of having just a few close friends. This will require less work to organize, will be more intimate, and will enable us to avoid invited some of Katie’s classmates that we think are a bad influence on her.

Bobby, as is the norm, is showing an interest in anything with wheels. Monster trucks seem to be top on his list as of late.