Day #2844 (Thu., Oct. 19, 2017) – Working On The Vet Game

2017-10-19 - Car In HandI’m starting to feel a bit better. Not 100% mind you, but a bit better. Good enough in fact to get up early this morning and try to make some progress on the vet game that Katie and I have been working on for some time now. I created a rough template of the board in Photoshop. I will refine it in the next few days.

The photo to the left shows Bobby in a typical pose. He loves to have his police car (or at least some car or toy) in his hand these days.

I was able to walk all the way down to Weeping Cherry land and back. Gradually making progress and walking more and more each day. I notice that my other knee is hurting now. Now that I have a knee replacement I don’t feel any more pain in that meniscus area, but the other knee is hurting in this area now. Time to get the other knee replaced?

Bobby loves to get out and walk, but I think it is more the excitement of going somewhere rather than the walk itself. In fact, he is more than happy for you to bring out the wagon and wheel him around rather than having to get out and walk himself. Often times, he will want mommy to pick him up and carry him home if we don’t have the wagon.