Day #2846 (Sat., Oct. 21, 2017) – Walking The Mall Again

2017-10-21 - Bath SwingBobby has decided to made a swing out of the shower cord these days (see photo to the left). He is always up to something.

Katie is not well enough to go to soccer practice today. To bad, today is the day they were going to take the group soccer photo.

We went to the local mall to walk around today. We had dinner at Chick-Fil-A. Unfortunately we had to hurry as the sun was going down as my wife has a hard time driving at sundown.

I was out in the living room this evening when I wanted to walk back to the bedroom. I could not find my walker. At first we thought that Bobby had taken it. He loves to play with anything with wheels. In reality I had left it in the bedroom. That’s a good sign of progress. My leg is so strong now that I can walk about without even realizing that I should be using a walker.