Day #2848 (Mon., Oct. 23, 2017) – Bobby’s Pumpkin Art
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I was up in the middle of the night working on the veg game again. I had my wife order some game pieces from Amazon. I’m thinking I will have a Daddy/Daughter day with Katie this weekend to work out the details of the game with her.
The photo to the left shows Bobby’s Pumpkin Art.
One of Bobby’s classmates, Eleanor, is apparently in love with him.
We have come up with a great for Bobby. How about getting some pumpkins and some golf tees. Bobby would love hammering those tees into the pumpkin.
I haven’t been well enough to help out around the house as of late. I felt well enough to feed Bobby this evening while my wife tended to Katie’s homework. At least I’m able to do that again. Funny how something that used to be so commonplace is a rarity these days.