Day #2850 (Wed., Oct. 25, 2017) – Footprint Ghost
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I was up early this morning and worked on the Vet Game that I am developing with Katie. I sent a printout of the mockup to Kinko’s and will have my wife pick it up after she drops Bobby off at preschool this morning.
The photo to the left shows Bobby’s art from today’s preschool class. It is basically his footprint made into a ghost.
Katie went to school today. This is the first time she has been well enough this week. No dramas…other than the fact that only two people asked Katie how she was. She was hoping for more kids to show an interest. My wife and I are gradually trying to help her understand that people will not always respond in ways that she would like.
I fed Bobby this evening. This is the first time in about two weeks that I have felt well enough to do this.