Day #2862 (Mon., Nov. 6, 2017) – Terry And Elizabeth From Nova Scotia
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Daddy was “cooking hot” all night. Looks like the antibiotics are working. Surely no virus could withstand this onslaught?
Terry and Elizabeth, friends from Nova Scotia, arrived this afternoon. The photo to the right shows the camper that they drove from Nova Scotia to Key West and now back to Nova Scotia.
We offered them our guest room, but as Elizabeth is allergic to cats, they slept in the camper. My wife made lasagna for dinner. Luckily the antibiotics have kicked in so I was able to spend the evening with my friends. I was afraid that I might have to excuse myself and go to bed early.
Bobby has fallen in love with the camper van. He would wander around the camper and try out every door to see if he could open it and examine the contents. As we were talking in the dining room this evening in came Bobby with the sewer hose from the camper. Terry said that he didn’t bother to secure that particular door as he figured nobody would be interested in the sewer hose (except Bobby).
Elizabeth is a gospel singer and gave Katie a DVD of her songs. Katie actually fell asleep this evening listening to them.