Day #2864 (Wed., Nov. 8, 2017) – Meeting Katie’s Teachers
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The photo to the left shows the book that Katie made today. It stars “Fat Face” the cat.
We had a meeting with Katie’s teachers this afternoon. They are required to meet with us once a year. We can meet with them at other times, but they are required to meet with us just once. This was the meeting.
The teachers explained that Katie is doing well. There are some areas for improvement, but she is doing well. Apparently someone told the teachers that Katie is bossy. We suspect that it might be Murren, a student who is known to lie, but we’re not sure. Katie can be demanding at some times in regards to how to play her various games like “Bug World” and “Mango”, so we will have to keep an eye on it. In all probability there is problems on both ends.
I was telling the teachers that I think that Katie sweats the small stuff too much. One of the teachers then pointed to a sign on the back of the door that said exactly this same slogan. We were going to take a photo of this but forgot.
When I got home from the meeting I made sure to rush up to Katie and tell her how well she was doing and how proud I was of her. She just beamed. She wants to please. Hopefully this will motivate her to keep on. It’s a shame that they have to spend so much time in class and doing homework. I remember a lot more playing and recess and such when I was in grade 2.
Katie was in such a good mood after I told her how proud I was of her that we got into a tickling match. Of course when shenanigans like this happen Bobby wants to be in the middle of it as well. A good time was had by one and all.