Day #2873 (Fri., Nov. 17, 2017) – Gobble Gobble Turkey Song
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I drove Katie and Helen to school this morning. Susan has been taking Katie to school for the past month while I have been recovering from my knee operation, so it’s only fair that we return the favor. Katie wanted me to sing Helen the song I made up for Thanksgiving Day. I told Helen to pay attention as the words are rather complex, then I started… “Oh gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble”, etc. I then pretended to forget the words. The kids got a kick out of this.
More details today about the reorg at work. It looks like a lot of us might be let go before the end of the year. Merry Christmas everyone… )
We went out after work to celebrate Alex leaving to a new company. Matthew took us to Firebird Grill and picked up the tab. I had a sirloin steak, beer, and key lime pie with a coffee. The bill came to about $50 per person, so I’m glad that I didn’t have to pick up the tab.
When I got home this evening Katie had put a “Dad Rocks” card (see photo to the left) that she made on my bed.
When I got home Bobby was in a particularly chatty mood. In fact he was downright loud. He was watching a video of him and his classmate Jack go down the slide. That’s what seemed to excite him so much.