Day #2883 (Mon., Nov. 27, 2017) – Magic Treehouse Books
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My wife and I drove to UNC Urgent Care to see about getting a cortisone shot in my right knee. Since they will not be able to operate on this knee for three months after I get the shot, we decided to wait to see the knee surgeon to see what he suggests. I had physical therapy after this visit and Sarah, the physical therapist, said that her mother had a cortisone shot in her shoulder and the pain went away and she was able to sleep.
Katie and Bobby were wrestling on the couch this evening. Katie gave us all a piano concert. She showed me one of the “Magic Treehouse” books that she is reading. This one was about dingos. There are about 50 books in the set and the last one was written in 2011.
My wife was able to gobble up an appointment with the knee surgeon on Wednesday due to a cancellation.
I gave the “yellow ball” gun (see photo to the right) that I picked up yesterday at the Dollar Store to Bobby this evening. He played with it and even took it apart. He wanted to hide and shoot zombies with it all evening.
Since this gun was such a hit I decided that I would go to the Dollar Store later this evening and pick up more of them.