Day #2885 (Wed., Nov. 29, 2017) – Owlette & Car
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I took both Katie and Helen to school this morning. They are in separate classes this year. Katie has a field trip to the Duke Botanical Gardens today.
Bobby was playing outside at preschool and got some pine tree mulch under his shirt. His teachers told my wife that he was very upset. He gets upset when his hands get wet…can you imagine how upset he would be with pine tree mulch under his shirt?
My wife and I met with the surgeon who gave me the knee replacement this afternoon. I am having pain in my right knee now and he said that a cortisone injection might be a good option. Well, I left with a cortisone injection in my right knee. Stats are that relief will come within 24-48 hours and that it will last for up to 3 months. We will see.
I got Katie a tiny Christmas tree for her room at Trader Joe’s this evening (see photo to the left).
Bobby already has Cat Boy and car and Gekko and car. My wife came up to me and said that he was saying I promised him Owlette. Well, I didn’t, but I guess that since he got Cat Boy and Gekko it was only natural that Owlette and car was the next thing to come. We decided to give it to him. There was a bit of a battle with Bobby hogging them and not letting Katie play with them, but it gradually wore off. He took all three to bed with him this evening.