Day #2889 (Sun., Dec. 3, 2017) – New Hope Valley Railway

2017-12-03 - New Hope Valley RailwayAs soon as Bobby woke up we drove out to the New Hope Valley Railway in Bosnal (near Cary) for the Santa train ride. Katie was not feeling well so we thought she might throw up, but Bobby was coughing and spit up instead.

There were four cars on the train. It was hard to keep Bobby in the seat as he was up jumping around and even noticed the train moving beneath him in the cracks on the floor. Katie, on the other hand, was rather subdued. She later told us that the train made her feel comfortable. She did enjoy crossing off the list they gave her when we entered the train…namely to notice the various reindeer and Christmas items along the train ride.

When we reached the end of the line it was time to hook the engine up to the other end of the train and take it back again. On the ride back Santa got onto our car and we were able to get a number of pictures with him. They handed out candy canes to the kids.

When the train ride was over we drove home to Chapel Hill. Bobby almost fell asleep in the car, but we managed to get him inside and feed him before he dozed off.

This evening I gave Bobby the cowboy gun and holster set that I picked up for him a few days ago at the Dollar Store.