Day #2890 (Mon., Dec. 4, 2017) – Cowboy Gun Set
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Katie was not feeling well this morning so she stayed home from school. I’m going to try an experiment of hugging her whenever I can. Perhaps that will help to make her more secure and less stressed out about life. I pretended to go back into the house this morning and as I was leaving I gave her a big hug and told her how proud I was of her. Let’s see if this works…
She was off/on sick during the day. She told me that she doesn’t really like her English teacher as she tends to yell at the class. She does like her Chinese teacher though.
Bobby’s nose is running again. He’s trying to be a trooper and keep active and happy but he is not well. I gave him the cowboy gun set that I picked up at the Dollar Store (see photo to the left) to cheer him up. He actually managed to break the trigger mechanism on it.
This evening I took some time to read one of the Grimm’s Fairy Tale books that I brought from Truro to Katie. I’m going to try to read a bit to her each evening after my wife puts her to bed. Bonding time…and to see how her day goes at school.