Day #2891 (Tue., Dec. 5, 2017) – Getting Tamiflu

2017-12-05 - Fairy TalesKatie threw up as my wife was getting her ready for school today. As a result…another day at home. My wife had to rush off to work so Lizzie will be taking care of both our kids today.

I left work at 4 pm today as I was feeling tired. Hopefully, I am not getting what Bobby has. I cannot afford to be sick anymore. I went right to bed and slept til about 8 pm.

I read a bit more of the “Favorite Fairy Tales” book to Katie this evening (see photo to the left). The story we are reading is called “Many Moons”, about a king who is trying to get the moon for his daughter.

This evening Bobby plucked the bird ornaments off the Christmas tree. He’s pretty much into everything these days.

There are reports that the flu vaccine is not very effective against this year’s flu strain. As a result my wife reached out to the kid’s doctor and we are making arrangements to get some tamiflu. From their website it states: tamiflu is an antiviral medicine for treatment of flu in people 2 weeks of age and older and for prevention of flu in people 1 year of age and older”.