Day #2895 (Sat., Dec. 9, 2017) – No Chapel Hill Christmas Parade
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The heating is out this morning. Katie, Bobby, and I got into her bed and put stickers on a turkey to keep warm (see photo to the right). Luckily the repair guy was in the neighborhood and came over and fixed it.
The Chapel Hill Christmas Parade was this morning but it was so cold outside that we decided to stay home this year.
Katie and Bobby have been fussy and strange all day. Perhaps because they have been cooped up with no place to go?
Wyatt and his family are going to Germany for two years. They have decided to keep it from him until the day of. Katie will be very upset, but they can write to each other and do Skype from time-to-time.
Wyatt is leaving.
Bobby really likes the robot cat we got a while back. It’s actually Katie’s, but Bobby loves to play with it. Perhaps because it doesn’t run away from him like Batman and Robin?
My wife has been putting all stray toys into boxes and taking them to the bedroom. She tried to just put them in boxes but Bobby will get into them and throw them about. This is the next logical step.