Day #2896 (Sun., Dec. 10, 2017) – Bobby The Comedian
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Bobby made a joke this morning. He went up to my wife and said that she had something in her eye. It’s your eyeball. Just kidding. All this and he is only two years old. What kind of a comedian will he be when he gets older?
Katie went over to Wyatt’s house for a playdate this afternoon. Neither Katie or Wyatt know that Wyatt will be moving with his parents to Germany at the end of January. They will be there for two years, but you never know how these things go. They will be keeping their house here so they will be moving back to being our neighbors again if they do come back. Wyatt’s mom mentioned that “it is only two years and Wyatt will be back so he and Katie can grow up together”. Makes you wonder…
Bobby was balancing a glass on his head this evening, pretending that it was a birthday hat. Well, it fell off and shattered into a million + 1 pieces. He also managed to pull the pegs out of the pasta spoon that my wife gave him to play with (see photo to the right)
We have noticed that Bobby is getting a lot more lippy these days. He will talk back to us and say “Be quiet” and “Shhhh”. Is he picking this up from preschool?