Day #2898 (Tue., Dec. 12, 2017) – Bobby Has An Ear Infection
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I dropped Katie off at school this morning but she was not too happy. She was fine up until the point we were at the service station on the corner, then the painful face and the “I’m sick” came. Before that, we were talking about the “Elf On The Shelf”. I told her how when I was growing up I had the choice between the “Wildebeest On The Counter” or the “Chicken On The Toilet” and chose the former.
We talked to her mother on the phone and she said that she had to go to school. We agreed that she would try and if she got sick in school we would come get her. I promised her a donut afterward if she tried. Well, off to school she went. I don’t like the idea of having to reward her with a donut for this, but if it will get her into the school door it is a small price to pay. You can see this donut in the photo to the right.
When I got home this evening Bobby was crying. He said that he hit his head, but he was in the high chair with a tumbler at the time. Did he hit his head with the tumbler? We fed him and put him to bed but he was dozing on and off and crying every five minutes so we decided to take him to the pediatrician office before it closed at 7 pm. He took a look at him and saw that he had the early stages of an ear infection. We picked up a prescription for him at Wal-Greens and drove home and put him to bed. Problem solved.