Day #2901 (Fri., Dec. 15, 2017) – Elf On The Shelf
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Katie was not feeling well this morning so my wife took her to the doctor. He didn’t find anything wrong and that he seemed more concerned that I was not feeling well and gave us a prescription for tamiflu. When they got home my wife was getting read to take Bobby to a cookie exchange party. Katie asked whey she couldn’t come. I told her that I could take her to school but she was not too interested in that.
At the cookie exchange a few of the mother’s of Bobby’s preschool friends got together to exchange some Christmas cookies. As usual, Bobby was more interested in running around and playing than in sitting down and eating.
Today I had my last physical therapy session. I have two more scheduled over the next two weeks but with Christmas and all the “stuff” going on I decided to just cancel them. They gave me a printout and I can do the exercises on my own now.
They had the annual holiday party at work today. In a nutshell they served finger food in a tent (see photo to the right). Long gone are the elaborate Christmas parties they used to have in the Marriott off Times Square.
The “Elf On The Shelf” came today and Katie greeted me at the door to tell me so. Apparently it’s an elf that moves about the house and when the children see it in a different location each morning they deem it magical.