Day #2907 (Thu., Dec. 21, 2017) – Bobby Develops A Rash
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Today was Katie’s last day of school before Christmas vacation. My wife took her and Helen and Katie was still complaining about her stomach. Miss Han, her Chinese teacher, gave her a little ring (see photo to the right).
I had a doctor’s appointment this morning. I’m trying to figure out why I cannot get rid of this tension headache that has been with me since October. She is sending me to an eye, nose, throat expert tomorrow to define the bacteria that is giving me this sinus infection that will not go away.
I got my 1995 Cary inspected at Lloyds this afternoon. I then picked up Katie at school via our van at 2:30 pm.
We rushed Bobby to the doctor this evening as he has developed a rash. The doctor said that it was nothing to worry about, just a reaction to amoxicillan…but we will not be giving that to him again. Bobby practically took over the doctor’s office, running around and being, well, Bobby.