Day #2912 (Tue., Dec. 26, 2017) – Bobby Into The Diaper Cream

Katie was crying in the middle of the night. When I went to her she said that her tummy didn’t feel well. She also mentioned that she didn’t have to go back to school til next week. Is the thought of going back to school wht makes her sick to the stomach? I got my wife who lied in the bed next to her til she fell asleep.

2017-12-26 - Diaper CreamBobby got into the diaper cream during his nap this afternoon (see photo to the left). You can see him in the photo to the left with his blaster gun at the ready to shoot zombies.

My regular “go to” video editors, YouTube and Microsoft Movie Maker are losing support, so I need to find a new option.

Bobby got a lot of toys for Christmas. What does he spend most of his time with? The blaster gun that shoots out little round “nerf-like” balls. She seems to have lost interest in the Dollar Store gun that makes almost authentic gunfire sounds. He wants the gun that will actually shoot something.

My wife has started working with Katie on the Fairy Garden present she got yesterday. They should start to bud in about four days.