Day #2915 (Fri., Dec. 29, 2017) – Claymation Snake

2017-12-29 - Snake ClaymationMy wife drove the van out to Hillsborough this morning to pick up a dining room table for our dining area.

I had a Daddy/Daughter day #64 with Katie today. We stayed at home and did some claymation where a snake takes a drink, eats a plant, and follows a chicken (see photo to the left). I gave Katie the option to go to see a movie and McDonalds but she wanted to just stay close to home today.

I had to go to the Dollar Store this evening to get 9v batteries for the Spiderman walkie-talkies I picked up at Wal-Mart on Sunday. I gave them to Katie and Bobby this evening. These particular walkie-talkies are great as there are only two buttons, on-off, and push to talk. In this way Bobby will not have any other buttons to fiddle with and thereby change the channel.