Day #2922 (Fri., Jan. 5, 2018) – No School Today Either
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School was canceled yesterday due to the frozen ice and snow conditions and it has been canceled today as well. Katie is ecstatic about having two days off…that is until the make-up days come up this summer.
Wyatt is coming over to play this afternoon so Katie has been looking for the second Spiderman walkie-talkie. I took this opportunity to give her the Barbie walkie-talkie set that I picked up at Walgreens at the same time that I picked up the Spiderman set (see photo to the left). They all operate on the same channel so there should be plenty of these little devices around now for each of the kids to have one.
Bobby pulled the plastic off the aerial on one of the Spiderman walkie-talkies and Wyatt prefers that one for some reason. I should have gotten the glue gun out and secured it back into place as soon as it happened. Nobody knows where it is now.
Katie went over to Wyatt’s house this afternoon and when I stopped by after 5 pm she would not leave. I told her numerous times and she continued to sled down the hill with Wyatt. Eventually I took the sled and threw it in the back of the car and it was not until I yelled to get into the car did she concede. My wife and I are both angry about this and plan to make changes so this does not happen in the future.
For whatever reason Bobby decided to take off his diaper and run around the house this evening. Go figure…