Day #2923 (Sat., Jan. 6, 2018) – Punishment Day
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Since Katie would not go home when asked yesterday she is effectively being “punished” today. No computer games, no play dates, etc. We were thinking of having Wyatt over this weekend as well but having Katie learn her lesson is more important at this stage. It’s a shame since Wyatt will be moving with his parents to Germany in a few short weeks, but that’s the way it goes.
Katie did help out around the house more today than she usually does. I guess she realizes that she is in the “doghouse” and needs to make amends. She wanted dessert after her dinner tonight but we declined…driving the point home even further.
My wife and kids wrote a song today:
Bobby’s freezing, Katie’s sneezing,
We’ll go in the tub,
Bobby’s freezing, Katie’s sneezing,
We’ll go and warm up!
My wife gave Bobby his first piano lesson this evening (see photo to the left). Really only a bit of a rhythm lesson, but it was his first lesson nonetheless. We have been thinking of having him start Suzuki training when he turns three years old, but we cannot find the right teacher for him.
Bobby really likes this video called “Big Mean Kitty”. He will ask for it by name and then say “again” when it is over. I’m not exactly sure what the appeal is, but he knows. It might be the catchy music…
The floodlights for my “Green Screen” setup came the other day so I spent some time this evening after the kids had gone to bed examining the contents and figuring out how they all work together.