Day #2930 (Sat., Jan. 13, 2018) – Piedmont Wildlife Center Birthday Party
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We celebrated Katie’s birthday at the Piedmont Widlife Center today from 10am to noon. We were planning on having it last weekend but it got canceled due to all the snow.
They had “tag games” involving animals, but the highlight was the various animals that the kids could see and touch (see photo to the left). You can see one of the toads in the photo to the left. Arnesa made a lovely cake with chocolate and coconut.
After visiting the wildlife center a number of kids and their parents came over to our house to continue the birthday celebrations. We ordered Papa John’s pizza (NOTE FOR FUTURE: The kids only liked cheese pizza) and had some cupcakes and lemonade as well. The trampoline was a bit hit and we had to keep asking the kids to only get on it one at a time to keep within the confines of the weight limit.
This evening my wife took Katie and the Bosnian family to a dance recital. My knee was killing me so Zmeden drove them. I stayed home with Bobby.